Regular Registration
September 16, 2024 - January 7, 2025
MSC Open House Schedule
The schedule for 2025 MSC Spring Open House will be available around mid-January.
The MSC Open House team will not be able to create the schedule until registration and payment are complete. Our goal is to ensure each org type is prominently featured. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Registration Reminders
- Please allow THREE business days to process your registration form.
- We are doing our best to keep to our three-day turnaround time. However, due to current limitations, it may take longer.
- This year, we are using a new way to register.
- There is now only one form for registration and payment.
- Submitting the form does not mean payment has been made.
- Once you register, a hold will be placed on the card you're using for the full payment amount.
- Once your organization status is confirmed to be recognized or renewing recognition, the order will be moved from a hold to purchased.
- Approved orgs will be listed on the Approved Orgs list.
- If your org is denied, we will remove your form from our online system.
- This will remove the hold on the card provided - meaning your org has not paid the registration fee.
- This is why we ask for denied orgs to resubmit a registration form.
- There is now only one form for registration and payment.
- For MSC Open House questions, please email [email protected]
Is Your Org's Status renewing recognition or recognized?
Before submitting for MSC Open House registration form, please check your Get Involved status.
Check your Get Involved Status
If you're not in Good Standing, please contact
Student Organization Leadership & Development
Please note the MSC Open House Staff does not have access to StuAct Online and cannot tell you what's missing for your organization's status to be renewing recognition or recognized. Please work with SOLAD as they can provide that information.